Saturday 15 March 2008

Alnmouth drawings

sketches of Derek Jones' prints
Following on from the previous post, here are the drawings I did from Derek's prints at the Schoolhouse Gallery. The home-made accordian sketchbook was perfect for this exercise. Thanks again, Laurelines, for that great idea. sketches of Derek Jones' prints
At Alnmouth beach there were huge blocks of concrete positioned along the high-tide line, protecting the sand dunes which lined the small golf course beyond. They reminded me of the desolated city shown in the Terminator films, and I wondered it they had been purpose made, of it they'd been reclaimed from a broken building somewhere, to be put to this good use. The beach itself was spotless. I'm used to Roker beach which gets a lot of regular local use, and a lot of summer visitors. It's strewn with small pieces of worn plastic, glass and pottery. the only man-made debris at Alnmouth were a couple of washed up lobster pots and the odd broken tennis balls discarded by over-enthusiastc dogs. There were also hundreds upon hundreds of yellow and orange conical shells. I collected a bagfull, and I may draw them sometime.
Sea Defenses at Alnmouth


Anonymous said...

Loved the drawing of the sea defences. Looked strong, anchored.

Yellow said...

I had trouble depicting the sand, so I decided to concentrate on the concrete block, and some of the dried seaweed round the base. I'm sure I'll be back there soon as it's a great spot for drawing.

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