Sunday, 13 January 2008

Self Portraits take perseverance

At least I've made a start, blocking in basic colours and shapes with soft pastels. And I'm smiling (in the picture at least). In reality I have a cracking headache, and paracetamol hasn't helped so far.

Anyway, I can see I need to re-shape this before I can continue.

My eyes are too big, my mouth is too high, my ear is too small and my left cheek is too low. Apart from that, it's awful. And I've decided that this isn't a flattering pose at all, emphasizing my double chin. On the basis that I'm not even five feet tall, no-one usually gets to see me from below either. Because I'm so short, I lift my chin when viewing the world, otherwise I'm peering though my eyebrows. As I'm doing the same automatically when looking in the mirror, I see myself as all chin and neck. Okay, I'm going to smudge this out, and then work over it, looking at my face from a slightly different angle. Then I'm going to scoop out my brain and put it in the freezer to see if that will help my headache.

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