Tuesday 14 October 2008

Not happy, decisions to be made

Ugh. This is a colour drawing of the same stretch of trees done this morning at about 7.45am.
Pros - I'm looking intently at colour, and working on the same hand subject over and over is stopping from jumping to conclusions and making me really look. It's nice to line up the drawings next to each other afterwards and look at the differences the light and weather and changing seasons are making to the same scene.
cons - the limited colours I have are dissatisfying, and the scribbling of the fine nibs isn't letting me lay down colour fast enough. With this technique I'm left with a lot of white paper in the background which is diluting the effects I'm after.
Conclusion - abandon felt tip pens, reach for soft pastels, continue with colour studies.


vivien said...

I agree the paper is fighting the effect you are after

I'd go into oils - you'll get the intensity/subtlety you want quickly - still in the sketch book or on paper.

I like the idea of looking at a thing repeatedly through different lights and seasons

Yellow said...

Oil pastels or actual oil paint, Vivien?

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