To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on. As said by the Chaucer character in Knights Tale.
I often trudge, not in the sense mentioned above. But I am prone to walk in a hunched, huddled manner, staring down at the approaching pavement, as the walls and road slide by in my peripheral vision.
And so, about a year or so ago I wanted to capture my viewpoint as I trudge. Again, being less than 5' tall will probably be a factor in the viewpoint.
As I trudge, the normal view of perspective is askew. But how? When I look down, straight down, at the floor I found that the 'picture plane' is parallel to the floor, and therefore to the canvas. Interesting. The vanishing point is central on the middle point at the bottom of the page I draw on here, pretty much where my toes are.
It's not easy to stand, hunched over, holding a sketchbook and pencil in your hands and remain still while observing and mapping your surroundings. But it's very rewarding to look at the resulting picture and found you've nailed a small bit of the puzzle.